USG scan

Ultrasonography is a non-invasive exam that allows visualization of the structures inside the human body. USG uses the phenomenon of ultrasonic wave reflection from the examined organs. It is a supporting exam and diagnosis at every stage of the procedure, witch allows to detect many disease states in the body. USG can be repeated many times, and is safe even for newborns.

Do niektórych badań należy się odpowiednio przygotować. Informacje na ten temat znajdują się poniżej.

Types of examinations for children:

  • USG of hip joints
  • USG of the fontanellar brain
  • USG of the abdominal cavity for children and adults
  • USG of the cervical and peripheral lymph nodes
  • USG of the salivary glands
  • USG of soft tissues
  • USG of the pleural cavity
  • USG of the fetal heart
  • USG of the heart (echo of the heart) of children
  • USG of the testicles
  • USG of the scrotum of children
  • USG of the thyroid gland

For some exams the patient, need to prepare before Information on this is provided below:

Preparation for USG examination of the abdominal cavity, urinary system (children):

Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in children is not required, but if possible, the child should not urinate just before the test, older children may - if possible, stay on an empty stomach for a few hours (about 2-3 hours) before the test.

Ultrasound of the urinary system - it is recommended to test with a full bladder.

The patient's helth hisotry should be provided (including hospital discharge, test results and laboratory test results).

Children's specialists:
lek. Olaf Zygalski – radiolog
lek. Kararzyna Płócienniak – ortopeda
lek.Dominik Orzechowski- ortopeda
dr Agata Skalska - endokrynolog